To enable the Anytime Fitness Access Pass:

如何 Anytime Fitness 通行

1. Open the Anytime Fitness App and navigate to the Plan tab.
Anytime Fitness 用程式,並入「 

2. Choose the phone option.

3. Add AF Access Pass to your phone’s wallet.
AF 通行加到您的手錢包。 

4. Hold the top of the device up to the readers for 2-3 seconds and you’re in!
頂端靠近新 AF 通行描器 2-3 秒,即可入健身室! 


1) What is AF Access Pass?

AF 通行? 


AF Access Pass is a new and convenient way to enter Anytime Fitness clubs using smartphones.

AF 通行證是一種使用智能手機進入 Anytime Fitness 健身室的全新便捷方式。

 2) Is the AF Access Pass available for both iPhone and Android?

AF 通行證是否適用於 iPhone Android?

Yes, the AF Access Pass is available for both iPhone and Android.

是的,AF 通行證適用於 iPhone Android。 

3) How can members set up their AF Access Pass on their phones?

員如何在手上設置 AF 通行 


Please refer to the step-by-step instructions above on how to set up the AF Access Pass. A disclaimer/notification will pop up to inform members that their key fob will no longer be in service once they confirm switching to Access Pass.

考上方的步驟指南,了解如何設置 AF 通行轉換到通行彈出一免責/通知,告知員其子鎖匙不再有效。


4) Can I have a key fob, plus an Access Pass via my AF App?

我可以同子鎖匙和 AF App 中的通行嗎?


For security reasons, members are only allowed one type of access – key fob or smartphone access with the AF Access Pass. If members change to the Access Pass via the AF App, their key fob will be decommissioned, and they will be moved exclusively to smartphone access.

基於安全考量,會員只能選擇一種進入方式電子鎖匙或智能手機 AF 通行證。如果會員通過 AF App 轉換為通行證,其電子鎖匙將會失效,並且將只能使用智能手機AF通行證

 5) Can the AF Access Pass be used worldwide?

AF 通行證可以在全球使用嗎?

As of September 2024, here is the list of countries that have already completed the AF Access Pass installation while others are still in the process.

截至 2024 9 月,以下國家/地區已完成 AF 通行證的安裝其他國家/地區仍在安裝中。

 Countries with completed installations:


North America: United States, Canada  

Europe: Benelux, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria 

Asia-Pacific: Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan 

Middle East: Qatar 

6) How can I tell if the sensor is for a key fob or AF Access Pass? 我如何判AF 通行描器是用於子鎖匙 AF 通行

Key fobs can be used on both sensors.

7) Can members switch back to key fobs after converting to AF Access Pass?

員轉換 AF 通行可以改回子鎖匙嗎?


Yes, members can switch back to key fobs. However, please note that there will be a $95 

charge for the club to issue a new key fob as the member’s old key fob would have already been decommissioned.

可以,員可以轉回子鎖匙。但請注意,健身室 HK$500 行政費用行新的子鎖匙,因員的子鎖匙已經失效。  


8) What should I do with my old key fob?



Decommissioned key fobs will not be able to be used to access the club or reassigned to a new member. Members may keep them or dispose them in electronic waste bins for recycling purposes.





9) Who can I look for to help change my key fob to an AF Access Pass?

如果我想子鎖匙更換 AF 通行該找誰忙?


Please reach out to your home clubs for assistance on converting from key fob to AF Access Pass. 絡您的主健身室子鎖匙轉換 AF 通行